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PietralungaFreccettaEventsFreccettaEvents Details

Palio della Mannaja


The inhabitants of the village, divided into 4 districts, will compete in the Race of Biroccio, the heavy wagon on which the convicts were transported to death.

ll the Palio of the ax is the most important festival and is held in Pietralunga August recalling a historical fact. The event takes place using a medieval costumes and actively involves the entire population of the town, which is divided into districts and neighborhoods, they challenge the traditional racing buggy. For success in the later editions, after some transformations, the competition of the ax is now recognized as one of the most important events in costume in Umbria. It has important economic and tourist feedback, and social pietralunghese throughout the community. The country for the occasion, decked in their Sunday best, in the historic center and main roads open craft shops, taverns and inns, where you can admire and buy local crafts, foods to taste the local cuisine, all accompanied by great hospitality. And 'the attempt to reconstruct the atmosphere of turn of our people in the village of Palio antico.Il ax is the reenactment of an event that happened in Pietralunga the September 11, 1334, when a certain Giovanni di Lorenzo of Picardy (France), to make a pilgrimage to Lucca (​​Volto Santo), through Pietralunga, was unjustly accused of killing a man and consequently sentenced to death. The poor man turned to the Holy Face so confident that when the Executioner attempted to cut his neck with the ax, this turned the blade. This fact is there are evidentiary moltetestimonianze, including an autograph letter of Branca de 'Branci, mayor of Pietralunga and the same ax, which is preserved in the Cathedral of Lucca, hanging near the chapel of the Holy Face in witness of the miracle happened.